
Legal Update and Tips Favourites always tick this

What’s in a guarantee?

1 October 2012 This recent case is a reminder that if you are asked to give what you think is a guarantee you need to be careful what it actually says.

Restrictive covenants and blue pencils

27 August 2019 Supreme Court sets law on when you can sever wording from restrictive covenants to turn them from unenforceable into enforceable (the 'blue pencil' rule)

Agents and secret commissions

Is an agent allowed to earn commission from someone in return for introducing his principal if he hasn't told his principal about it?

Verbal contracts, carts, horses, chickens and eggs

Here is a case which looks at how on earth a court decides whether a contract was created and what its terms might have been when all the discussions were oral only, and nothing was put in writing.