
Here is an A to Y list of examples of industry sectors and business types which Andrew has dealt with (last updated in around 2009 I’m afraid!)

Aerospace; aquatics; advertising; air transport; aircraft finance; automotive parts; accountants; architects
Building companies; banking; banking software; broadcast equipment; black cabs; builders merchants; breweries; beer; ball bearings; bakers; beverages; business networking
Construction; corporate recovery; consultancy all sorts; clinical waste; car dealerships; charities; cosmetics; couriers; computer parts; cards; car washes; cleaning
Dog handling; dentists; doctors; diamond mining; data management services; demolition; designers; DNA testing; dance studios
Educational trusts; engineering; estate agents; e-commerce; employee benefits; environmental services; education; equipment hire; exhibitions; events management
Film producers; financing; food; financial services; freight transport; franchising; food safety associations; florists; financial advisors; flooring
Golf clubs; gupis
Hotels; health and fitness clubs; Hong Kong property ventures; herbal medicine; health plans; HR
IT; ISPs; insolvency; inventions; insurance
Jeans; joinery
Kitchens; keys and locks
Loudspeakers; lending and security; logistics; lubricants; loss adjusters; louvres
Mining; medical waste; marketing; management consultancy; manufacturing; machine parts; media; market research
Nursing homes; nightclubs; nurseries
Ostrich farming; outsourcing services; outside broadcast; office supplies; opticians; oven cleaning; online estate agents
Property finance; property development; political party associations; property investment; project finance; printing; publishing; paper; payday lending; pubs; packaging; PR
Retail; restaurants; recruitment; renewable energy; residents associations
Software development; schools; sausage skins; security; supermarket checkout systems; smoked salmon; surveyors; stationery; spectacles; scaffolding; suntanning; storage; solicitors; sound production; software resale; software all sorts; swimming schools; sports clubs; signage
Transport; technology; telecoms services; tyres; theatres; tooling;TV production; toilets; training; tooling; takeaways; translators
Um, utilities
Vets; vehicle hire; venture capital; vehicle parts; vehicle security; vintners; virtual reality
Waste management; wagyu beef; wind turbines
Yacht charter